Computational Fluid Dynamics with Julia
a step-by-step guide to writing CFD code at the advanced undergraduate level
This is a static version of a Nextjournal notebook which shows how to develop a two-dimensional finite-difference solver for the Navier-Stokes equations from scratch in Julia. A convenient interface to the code is provided in a high-level function with keyword arguments for the dimensions, spatial resolution, Reynolds number, and a few other parameters. Head over to the Nextjournal version to interact with the code and even remix it to start your own coding project!
This is a solver for the two-dimensional unsteady viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in \(\omega-\psi\) formulation on a rectangular Cartesian grid. We discretize the domain using second-order centered finite differences, and march the governing equations forward in time implicitly.
All linear systems are solved by using either a naive Gauss-Siedel relaxation scheme or the native Julia matrix-inversion operator \
on a SparseArray
. It should be possible, in the future, to assemble the full matrix using the Julia package DiffEqOperators.jl
We test the solver on the lid-driven cavity problem and compare results with Ghia & Ghia’s solution.
Governing equations
The governing equations are as follows:
\[\frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} + (\nabla^{\bot} \psi )\cdot \nabla \omega = \frac{1}{Re}\nabla^2 \omega\] \[\nabla^2 \psi = -\omega\]The first equation is a parabolic-hyperbolic equation for \(\omega\) where the advection velocity is given through the streamfunction, which is defined as follows:
\[\boldsymbol{u} =\nabla^{\bot} \psi \equiv \left( \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial y}, -\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}\right) \equiv (u,v)\]The second equation is an elliptic equation for \(\psi\), specifically Poisson’s equation with the vorticity as the source term. This equation proceeds directly from the definition of \(\omega\) and \(\psi\):
\[\omega \equiv \nabla \times \boldsymbol{u} = \frac{\partial v}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = -\frac{\partial^2 \psi }{\partial x^2} - \frac{\partial^2 \psi }{\partial y^2} \equiv -\nabla^2 \psi\]Boundary conditions
In a rectangular domain \(\Omega\), we have eight boundary conditions on \(\psi\):
Four Dirichlet boundary conditions: \(\psi = 0\) on the entire \(\partial \Omega\) which ensures that the walls are a single streamline, i.e. that the wall-normal velocities are zero.
Four Neumann boundary coniditions: \(\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial n} = 0\) on the south, east, and west boundaries, and \(\frac{\partial \psi}{\psi n} = 1\) on the north boundary. This specifies the wall-tangential velocity \(u_t\) on each boundary.
For \(\omega\), no explicit boundary conditions are given. Indeed, the vorticity at the wall is actually a crucial unknown in the Navier-Stokes equations with boundaries, since all vorticity in a fluid must have been first generated at boundaries.
Thom’s Formula
To derive implicit boundary conditions on the vorticity, let us write a Taylor expansion for the streamfunction at a point adjacent to a wall, with the subscript ‘a’ representing the wall-adjacent point and the subscript b representing the point at the wall. ‘n’ is a coordinate representing the wall-normal direction, and \(\Delta n\) is the spatial discretization in the direction normal to the wall.
\[\psi_a \approx \psi_b + \underbrace{\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial n}|_{b}}_{u_t} \frac{\Delta n}{1!} + \underbrace{\frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial n^2}|_{b}}_{-\omega_b} \frac{\Delta n^2}{2!} + ...\]The normal derivative of \(\psi\) at a wall is simply the wall-tangential velocity. The second spatial derivative of \(\psi\) at a wall is (what is left of) the Laplacian of \(\psi\) at the wall, which by definition equals negative of the vorticity. Hence, we now have a relation between the wall vorticity \(\omega_b\), the wall-tangential velocity \(u_t\), and the value of the streamfunction:
\[\psi_a \approx \psi_b + u_t \Delta n - \omega_b \frac{\Delta n^2}{2}\] \[\omega_b \approx 2 \left[ \frac{\psi_b - \psi_a}{\Delta n^2} + \frac{u_t}{\Delta n}\right]\]In practice, we will use Dirichlet boundary conditions on \(\psi\) and Thom’s boundary conditions on \(\omega\).
Linear solvers
In theory, of course, any matrix-inverting technique can be used with any equation of the form \(Ax=b\). Here, we will use the native Julia matrix-inversion operator \
(or the conjugate gradient algorithm cg!
from IterativeSovlers.jl
) for the Poisson equation for \(\psi\) because the boundary conditions for that equation are easy to implement, and they don’t change at each time step. For the advection-diffusion equation for \(\omega\), however, we will use the Gauss-Siedel technique. This equation is by far the easier one to solve, so the computational penalty of a naive solver like Gauss-Siedel is not very high.
Solving sparse \(A x = b\) with Gauss-Siedel
Consider a system of linear equations of the form \(Ax=b\). The vector x represents an unknown quantity on the entire grid, and is arranged in the following form:
\[\begin{bmatrix} x_{11} \\ x_{12} \\ \vdots \\ x_{1N} \\ x_{21} \\ x_{22} \\ x_{2N} \\ \vdots \\ x_{N1} \\ x_{N2} \\ x_{NN} \end{bmatrix}\]A is a sparse, pentadiagonal matrix with (at most) five non-zero terms. These terms are the coefficients of the \(x_{ij}\)‘th point as well as its neighbors to the north, south, east and west. Thus, using ‘N,S,E,W’ to represent the neighboring points and ‘p’ to represent current point, the general form of any row of this system of equations is as follows:
\[a_p x_p + a_N x_N + a_S x_S + a_E x_E + a_W x_W = b_p\] \[a_p x_p + \sum_{NSEW}a_i x_i = b_p\]In the Gauss-Siedel method, we make a new guess for \(x^{n+1}\) based on the current guess, \(x^n\) using the following procedure:
\[res = b_p - (a_p x_p + \sum_{NSEW}a_i x_i)\] \[\Delta x = \frac{res}{a_p}\] \[x_p^{n+1} = x^n_p + \Delta x\]this is repeated until the residual falls below a small \(\epsilon\).
The Gauss-Siedel algorithm can be significantly accelerated by adding an over-relaxation parameter \(\lambda\). It can be added on to the end of each Gauss-Siedel iteration in the following way:
\[x^{n+1} = \lambda (x^n + \Delta x) + (1-\lambda)x^n\]this essentially ‘weights’ the new value between the predicted value and the previous value. When \(\lambda = 1\), this reverts back to the usual Gauss-Siedel algorithm. As \(\lambda \rightarrow 2\), this weighs the new value more heavily toward the predicted value. One rule of thumb for the over-relaxation parameter is \(\lambda = 2 - \frac{1}{N-1}\).
In practice, we have found that over-relaxation only makes sense for solving the elliptic Poisson equation for \(\psi\).
Solving sparse \(Ax=b\) with \
or cg!
In principle, Julia provides very simple syntax for matrix-inversion: A\b
should be all we need. However, because we will be storing all variables as 2-D arrays, we need to first unwrap x
and the right-hand side into a 1-D array, apply the matrix-inversion, and then wrap the updated x
back into a 2-D array.
Discrete system of equations for \(\omega\) and \(\psi\)
Poisson equation for \(\psi\)
The equation for the streamfunction is already a Poisson equation, which is linear. It is straightforward to cast it in the form Ax = b using finite differences:
\[\nabla^2 \psi = \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial y^2} = -\omega\] \[D_{xx} \psi + D_{yy} \psi = -\omega\] \[\frac{\psi_{i,j+1} - 2 \psi_{i,j} + \psi_{i,j-1}}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{\psi_{i+1,j} - 2 \psi_{i,j} + \psi_{i-1,j}}{\Delta y^2} = -\omega_{i,j}\]This only needs to be done once. We write a function which returns the 2-dimensional Laplacian using Julia’s SparseArray
Evolution equation for \(\omega\)
\[\frac{\partial \omega}{\partial t} + \boldsymbol{u} \cdot \nabla \omega = \frac{1}{Re}\nabla^2 \omega\]We treat the parabolic part (i.e. the diffusion term) of this equation implicitly, but the hyperbolic part (i.e. the advection term) explicitly. This is because if we were to treat the term term \(\boldsymbol{u} \cdot \nabla \omega\) implicitly with a central-difference scheme, we would get a non-diagonally-dominant matrix, which is not guaranteed to converge using the iterative matrix-solving techniques. If an upwind scheme is used, we can then treat the advection term implicitly as well.
We can write a discrete version of the evolution equation for \(\omega\) as follows:
\[\frac{\omega^{n+1}-\omega^n}{\Delta t} + (D_y \psi^n D_x \omega^n -D_x \psi^n D_y \omega^n) = Re^{-1}(D_{xx}\omega^{n+1}+D_{yy}\omega^{n+1})\]where the superscript n denotes the value at the current (known) timestep, and the superscript n+1 denotes the value at the future (unknown) timestep. The diffusion term is treated implicitly, hence the n+1 there, while the advection term is treated explicitly, hence the n there. The time-derivative term has been treated fully implicitly with a first-order backwards Euler scheme, i.e. \(\dot{\omega}^{n+1} \approx \frac{\omega^{n+1}-\omega^{n}}{\Delta t}\). Collecting the unknown terms on the left-hand side and the known terms on the right-hand side, we get:
\[\left[ \Delta t ^{-1} \boldsymbol 1 - Re^{-1}D_{xx} - Re^{-1}D_{yy} \right] \omega^{n+1} = - \left[ D_y \psi^n D_x -D_x \psi^n D_y + \Delta t^{-1}\boldsymbol 1 \right] \omega^n\]The above is also, of course, a system of linear equations of the form \(Ax=b\) and its diagonal dominance is guaranteed. Hence, it too can be solved using iterative methods. We build the matrix (in practice, only a set of coefficients, since we will solve this particular equation using the Gauss-Siedel technique) once, at the beginning:
On the other hand, the right-hand side of this equation will evidently be different at each time step, since the explicit term \(\boldsymbol{u} \cdot \nabla \omega\) changes at every step. The following function, therefore, will be called at each time step:
It is straightforward to replace the first-order backwards Euler time-stepping scheme with a second-order backwards Euler scheme. The only difference is that an additional set of \(\omega\)’s needs to be stored, and the time-derivative terms in the matrix as well as the RHS need to be slightly modified. The second-order backward scheme looks like this:
\[\dot{\omega}^{n+1} \approx \frac{1.5 \omega^{n+1} - 2 \omega^n + 0.5 \omega^{n-1}}{\Delta t}\]thus, we would simply need to replace Rp .= ϕ/Δt
with Rp .= 2ϕ/Δt - ϕold/(2Δt)
inside the function BuildAdvectionDiffusionRHS!
, and replace ap = 1/Δt
with 3/(2Δt)
inside the function BuildAdvectionDiffusionCoefficients
Code utilities
Record changes
In Julia, functions can be broadcast to multiple arguments. Hence, we only need a generic recording function:
Solution struct and associated functions
We create a struct (essentially, a new type) representing a solution. The solver’s output will be assigned to a new instance of this struct. We also create some methods associated with this object type:
Acquire dependencies
The code depends on some Julia packages. Here, we will install the ones which are not already in the environment and then pin all of them. The following is therefore executed in a different runtime, whose environment will be exported.
Assemble code
User-input parameters
The above functions will be assembled into a function called LidDrivenCavity()
, which accepts a number of keyword arguments. These are all optional, since there are default values associated with them.
tfinal = Inf
, the final time of the simulation. If not set, it will run till steady-state. -
, length of \(\Omega\) in the horizontal direction -
, length of \(\Omega\) in the vertical direction -
, the Courant-Fredericks-Levy number -
Nx = 65
, the number of discretization points in the horizontal direction -
Ny = 65
, the number of discretization points in the horizontal direction -
u_n,u_s,v_w,v_e = (1,0,0,0)
, the tangential velocities at each wall (north, south, east, west) -
, prints output every this number of steps -
, the Reynolds number
Complete function
Solutions for the Lid-Driven Cavity
Classic test cast at Re = 100
This looks good. let’s take a look at the convergence history:
and also, compare it with Ghia and Ghia’s results:
Two symmetric gyres, Re = 250
Orthogonal velocities